Hearing Aid Repair & Maintenance

You woke up this morning to find that your hearing aid is not performing like it should. Your audio is muffled or you are experiencing feedback. Perhaps your device isn’t functioning at all! You’ve changed the battery and the filter that catches wax. What should you do next?

We ask a lot from these tiny devices, which may include speakers, microphones, batteries and amplifiers. Your hearing aid is a sophisticated electronic device that contains many tiny components so wear and tear is to be expected. Most devices remain viable for three to seven years. This may seem like a broad range, but factors like individual body chemistry, maintenance practices and the climate where you live all contribute to the lifespan of your hearing aid.

Your device may be aging, may have been exposed to moisture or perhaps it has sustained physical damage. These problems can occur, even when your device is properly cared for. If you have any performance issues, speak to your Hear Clear hearing professional to have the problem assessed. We service most major brands and can advise you on the next steps even if your device was not purchased from us.

Some repairs can be done in our office, but some hearing aids may have to be returned to the manufacturer for repair. Your hearing specialist will act as a liaison between you and the manufacturer to ensure that you are kept informed during the repair process and will know when your device will be returned.

If your hearing aid cannot be repaired, your hearing specialist will help you explore your options for a replacement.

You can mitigate issues and keep your device in good working order is by performing proper maintenance. Clean your hearing aid daily with a dry cloth, remove the batteries at night to allow any gathered moisture to evaporate and examine it routinely for any cracks, scratches or other visible damage. Don’t use water or any solvents, these liquids may cause damage to the electronics that your unit needs to function properly. Don’t expose your device to steam baths or saunas or leave it in direct sunlight. Contact Hear Clear immediately if you discover any type of damage or experience any malfunctions.