Hearing aids can be of real benefit to those who experience any kind of hearing loss. It’s fair to say that there are many styles available, but what are the best hearing aid styles? Here are some of the best hearing aid styles that you can learn about to make the best decision for your unique needs!

In the Ear (ITE)

ITE hearing aids sit very comfortably in the outer bowl of your ear, meaning they are a particularly visible option. ITE hearing aids can help with hearing loss and can be custom made to fit your ear so that you almost forget that they are there. These hearing aids have a number of external switches that allow you to change the settings accordingly, so they are quite easy to use.

It’s important to note that they are a smaller hearing aid. ITE hearing aids are discreet. Nonetheless, their bigger size means that they have space for more controls and settings!

Behind the Ear (BTE)

BTE hearing aids are more visible in comparison to an ITE hearing aid as they are located behind your ear. BTE hearing aids are a good choice for those looking for an open-fit feel, as this stylish hearing aid has all of its electronic components organized inside a small shell that sits just behind your ear.

You can find BTE hearing aids in a number of different sizes, shapes and colors, including skin tones that will help make your device less visible. Different brands and models will have different features. BTE hearing aids are likely the most popular type of hearing aid available, and they are easy to adjust with button controls for volume and program settings adjustment to help you adapt to your surroundings.

In the Canal (ITC)

ITC hearing aids sit inside your ear canal rather, having no external parts. They often have a long battery life despite their small size, but the most notable advantage is the fact that they are almost invisible. They are a comfortable choice and are fairly simple to use, and it has to be said that they work particularly well in very loud places so are subsequently ideal for outdoor social situations. Although they are located inside of your ear canal, they are not at all difficult to insert and remove.

Making the right decision when identifying your hearing aid will no doubt have a considerable impact on the results you get from your device. To ensure that you can benefit from the best amplification from your hearing aid, consult your expert hearing instrument specialist so that you can work together to find your perfect match. Whether you choose an ITE, BTE or ITC device, take the time to do some research so that you understand what kind of maintenance and care is required for each as well as how it will benefit your specific lifestyle needs.

The hearing specialists at Hear Clear are happy to give you professional advice on hearing aid selection, as well as handling the fitting process. Give us a call at (603) 455-8777.

Tags: hearing aid selection tips