It’s always a good time to get a hearing test. You don’t need to wait until a certain time of year to do it, but if you’ve been thinking about it then there’s no better time than this fall. Instead of delaying it, scheduling a hearing test can put your mind at ease and has the potential to improve your quality of life.

When you get your hearing tested this fall, you can make sure you’re able to enjoy the season to its fullest. Don’t spend the next few months worrying about your hearing when you could get answers much sooner. There’s always an easy excuse to prevent you from scheduling an appointment, but dropping the excuses could be the best thing you do this year. There are multiple reasons to schedule a hearing test before the trees are bare.

Regular Hearing Tests Should be Preventative Care

Hearing tests should be part of routine and preventive healthcare, but for many people, they’re not. You don’t need to be a certain age to have a hearing test, and they can be useful at any point in your life. Newborns have their hearing tested, children may benefit from hearing tests, and adults can catch hearing loss earlier by having regular tests.

But how often should you have a hearing test? The answer depends on a few factors. Your age and whether you have any existing hearing loss both make a difference. It may also be important for people with some other health conditions to keep a close eye on their hearing health. Even your job and your hobbies can factor in. Healthy adults should have their hearing tested every three to five years, according to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. If you are over 60 or have existing hearing loss, this increases to every year. Are you regularly exposed to loud noises? You should also have your hearing checked annually.

Prepare for Your Favorite Fall Activities

Fall isn’t the only season where you might have a lot going on, but it is a time when there are plenty of activities that require you to think about your hearing. If you’re someone who enjoys the outdoors and related fall activities, you could be missing out if you have untreated hearing loss. Maybe you enjoy hearing the rustle of leaves as the wind blows through them, on top of looking at the beautiful fall colors. But if you’re experiencing hearing loss and it’s not being treated, you could be missing out on this wonderful sound.

By getting a hearing test, you can make sure any hearing loss is detected. The right treatment, such as hearing aids, can improve your hearing and quality of life so you can enjoy everything that fall has to offer. Hearing aids are the most recommended treatment for hearing loss and they come in a variety of styles and types to meet a wide set of individual needs.

Get Ready for the Holiday Season

With the arrival of fall, the holidays are not far away. From Halloween and Thanksgiving to Christmas and Hanukkah, the holiday season is a chance to spend time with family and friends, and have plenty of seasonal fun throughout fall and winter. Of course, you want to be able to enjoy this time. Struggling with hearing loss can make it much more difficult to participate in all of the things you want to do. It could mean it’s harder to join in with conversations over Thanksgiving dinner, watch football, play with your children or grandchildren and much more.

When you get your hearing tested during the fall, you can make sure you have the correct diagnosis and treatment to help you manage hearing loss. By the time the winter holidays come around, you could also have adjusted to your new hearing aids and feel comfortable using them in a range of situations.

Don’t delay any longer if you think that you need a hearing test. Even if you’re not currently experiencing any symptoms, regular hearing tests are an important part of looking after yourself. The sooner you pick up any hearing loss, the faster you can begin to treat and manage it. There are always options to explore to help you manage hearing loss so that you can enjoy the fall and the rest of the year.

Get in touch with Hear Clear to schedule your hearing test with a hearing instrument specialist this fall. Call us at (603) 455-8777 to learn more about our services.

Tags: hearing tests for children, speech tests